"I could not save them"
"My wife did not know how to swim and the water dragged her away. She could not let the three children get lost."
When the boat broke, the mother tried to save the 1 year old baby and the father tried to save the two elder boys: "I swam to save my two children but it was impossible to take them on the other side. I started diving but I could not pull them out of the water. I was in the water and as soon as I left where my children were not there … "
His wife recovered on Friday with her only one-year-old child. She still held the child with her hand …

Every hour of hope passes out for the missing boys. The tragic father is still waiting for good news about his intestine.
"I wish my two children should live. I especially hope for one who had a life jacket. I beg you all my heart to continue the investigations," said the father.

"You do not need a life jacket"
Murat Akçabay describes the moment the plastic boat overturned. "When the boat approached the other side of the river there were bushes and twigs. The boat met a bush or a twig and started flooding. Then all 11 boat passengers fell in the water."
" We asked for life jackets but the traffickers told us how we did not need them We only have two life jackets with us. We gave it to one mom and the other wearing one of my missing children … "
" We had to leave Turkey to be free … "
According to Information sought Murat's family to cross Evros to escape the persecution of Erdogan.
" Because of the problems in our country, we had to leave to be free. If we knew there was a chance that this would happen, we would think better. But we were told that many have already done so, so can we … "says Murat.
But unfortunately they could not … Investigations to find the two boys continue …
Watch the video with the exclusive Father's statements
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